
At Bait Bayaar non profit organization, we believe that every person is entitled to experience community events and celebrations, regardless of the challenges and limitations they may face. Therefore, we focus on creating accessible events that cater to the accessibility needs of autistic children.

The accessibility of our events is not only a matter of physical accessibility but also social and emotional accessibility. We aspire to turn every event into a meaningful and inclusive experience for everyone, ensuring that every participant can enjoy and feel part of the community.

Understanding that participation is an integral part of a community experience, we organize events that bring families together and offer them quality time together. Each event planned to be suitable for all participants while accommodating the accessibility needs of autistic children.

Our special events during holidays, such as Purim, Shavuot, Tu B’Shvat, and Hanukkah delivered in a warm and inviting atmosphere. They allow children and families to celebrate together.

The accessible events at Bait Bayaar non profit organization are at the heart of our activities and are part of our commitment to creating a more inclusive society. We continue to innovate and expand our range of events to ensure that everyone can enjoy rich and meaningful community experiences.

The Benefit Of Our Programs

Every event strengthens the sense of belonging and community. It’s a time to meet new friends, strengthen bonds and create shared memories. Our events highlight the importance of being part of a supportive and inclusive community.