
At Bait Bayaar non profit organization, we invite you to join us as volunteers and actively participate in our community. Volunteering with the non profit organization is an opportunity to contribute your time, skills, and heart to support autistic children and their families.

We are looking for volunteers willing to lead extracurricular activities for autistic children and adolescents. If you have a background in education, arts, sports, or any other field that can benefit children, we would love to hear from you.

We are also seeking volunteers to assist in organizing and running accessible community events. This is a chance to be part of exciting events and help ensure that every participant can enjoy a full and meaningful experience.

Volunteering at Bait Bayaar non profit organization is a rewarding and enriching experience. As volunteers, you will have the opportunity to positively impact the lives of children and their families and be part of a supportive and inclusive community.

If you’re interested in joining our volunteer program, please contact us through the volunteering form​. We look forward to welcoming you to our team and making a positive change together.

Volunteering Form